Dec 7: The day after my book Unarmored was published.
Allison: Walks into her office at an early hour with her cup of coffee and logs onto a Zoom meeting.
Bill: “What are you doing?”
Allison: “Writing practice.”
Bill: “But you just finished your book, and it was published.”
Allison: Looks back at Bill, “I still write every day.”
Guess what happens when you set aside time to write every single day. You become a writer. You wake up with words to write.
And you can’t not get them out onto the page.
The things you write aren’t all “good,” but they aren’t left inside, hidden in the corners of your being, and that feels holy.
Like any other art…beware the witchery of Creativity. At first, you will kick and scream and resist, you will be awkward and rigid, but then you will practice.
Again and again, you will show up, and then, when you aren’t paying attention – you will see that you have been consumed in the best ways – you won’t even have to try – it will no longer be a war of art, but instead, your art will make its way through you every single day. It’s a little mad, and the world demands an end product, but surrendering to the process of the practice is the only way I want to live in the world.