Uncategorized, VideoA sacred rebel card reading for us all. February 16, 2016A sacred rebel card reading for us all. Connect on Facebook Share Free Share Your Heart Show Your Work Facebook Community Soulies Self-Leadership Coaching Membership Related Spread the love
Good morning! This is my first time on Live
i loved when u called me KB the other day. nashville nickname π
I’ve cried many tears with you!!! Compassion is key. Learning to embrace this.
gentleness helps
Always feeling the urge to work hard…hard…hard. Need to ease up.
What a great analogy. Wow!
Great message.
I’ve never caught anyone live on FB!
Rebel against fear!
Wow!!! I was listening to Marianne Williamson this weekend, she talked about the same thing. It’s so empowering.
Hi Sara!!! My first time here too.
lol I miss the hearts over here!
and I’m totally multi-tasking
sans hearts is lame
i was watching you on three apps, you are lagged
a little bit. funny
what is the name of the card?
Hi Shanti! I thought you were in the mountains. So happy to see you.
thank you all for being here! Some of you in BOTH places at the same time!
do some syncopated swim moves next time in the lag
the lag is only bad if you are watching BOTH right?
yes, it’s ludicrous. One of you is enough.
repeat to yourself: I am More than enough.
i’m just teasing you and all the techno possibilities of many Crow ladies in the house.
Did u do this on Facebook live and periscope at the same time??
yes, the trailblazer did just that.
ok they really have an emoticon or image for everything