Following Spirit and your Intuition in ALL areas of your life can be tricky….and very much so in business. It is so tempting to DO DO DO DO. I confess, my mind has been racing about a zillion things – frankly, SHOULDING all over myself. But I have tuned into my Divine Business manager and she has asked me for a bit of time off. UGH… I’m BORED with TIME OFF. Yes, I just said that. And still…I listened. The last week has been a bit of a wrestling match with my heart and my head. And my Divine Biz Manager has been telling me she would be back…. when she was ready and inspired.
And I KNOW this. Still, sometimes fear and shoulding happen. So I took a ton of naps. I put my phone and facebook down (as best I could). I enjoyed family time. I took more naps. Today was the post holiday blah – feeling a bit under the weather…and completely uninspired until a few hours ago. And a creative burst. a small one, hit. I did a few journal backgrounds, and then some reading…. and then a page in my journal was filled with FUN planning and list making for the upcoming retreat.
LESSON: The FLOW ALWAYS COMES BACK. Begin to pay attention to your ebbs and flows. Your expansions and contractions…your natural rhythms. The cycles happen…just like the sun rises and sets and the moon gets full before our eyes each month. The hardest part for me, can be to ALLOW THE EBBS….allowing the ebbs and soothing myself during them. Tapping in even DEEPER during these times to listen to the Divine for guidance. As there is NO FORMULA during these times. Masculine energy will tell you to take action. And sometimes that is perfect. And other times, we are to rest, and still others we to learn something from sitting in the discomfort and restlessness of the ebb. All is perfect. It really is.
No, really. Allow the ebb. The world will not end if you don’t DO Do Do. Just Be. Breathe. Allow the ebb. If you resist – it tends to hang on longer. Allow the ebb and know…that Loving Spirit will most certainly, and in perfect time, bring your flow back to you.