I’m sooo done with the hard. It has been a year of gut punches, grief, and stress. Part of me feels the fresh of fall and a spark of vitality… so ready to be done with the hard.
But the hard is not done with me.
The whiplash is exhausting.
I’m exhausted, and I love me.
I’m literally trying to control death and grief even though I can’t – and I love me.
I’m feeling good one day and nauseated, muscle soreness and angina the next.
It just is. It is ALL the edges of life that live us. There is no escape. There is no leaving.
There is only turning directly to face what IS and surrendering to it. Moment by moment.
And make no mistake. That doesn’t make the hard more peaceful. It’s still hard. It just removes the second sword of making the hard harder with my excessive judgment.
Whatever you are going through… you’re doing it just right. It isn’t easy. And you’re doing it just right. You’ve done nothing wrong.
You aren’t in Gods disgrace of you are struggling or have an onslaught of life punches… you’ve not sinned… your karma isn’t coming for you— you are just human. Simple HUMAN.
No one escapes these seasons.
Writing about it helps.