I’ve always loved hearts. โค๏ธ
In my room at my mom and dad’s house is a collection of heart shaped boxes that were given to me over the years for my birthday…. February…. A week from Valentines. I had a rainbow heart mobile over my bed as a child. I find myself painting and doodling hearts daily. My logo ended up being a yellow heart with my name.
The last 4 years…it has been my specific prayer…that I would keep my heart open. I am well aware that I pursue pleasure and avoid pain… I am vicious and unforgivingly sharp when I feel crossed or hurt…or left. (That isn’t easy to let you know).
My heart has been broken over and over…. Like all of us in all the ways that life dishes out. I have not had some of the heartbreak that life hands us. I dread the loss of my parents, my husband, my siblings…and it has been decided that Leroy Brown can NEVER die.
Even today, on Facebook, I noticed the tears of love and joy at posts of the rescue puppies that made it through a deadly bout of parvo..and are now well and in their foster homes…..and the extreme joy of that lady laughing at her Chewbaca mask…to 3 Boston terrier dogs on skateboards…. Reminding me of my deep love of Lulu who I lost a while back. I saw the miraculous story of a friends son who survived acute encephalitis and is completely well now…. Heart open and happy tears flowing. And then I saw a post so full of fear and ignorance about LBGTQ education and it broke my heart. I wanted to cry for all the friendships I’ve lost because of my human, religious, and political beliefs. Up and down…. My heart felt the mid range gamut today. And that last post full of fear of people who are different….made me sooooo sad….and so aware that so many people are simply AFRAID.
I AM often afraid. That post made me afraid and I felt the pain of loss.
So I got off the interwebs and I dove into my Mother Mary Oracle Cards—- and of course…. I got the reminder of one of my new favorite mantras…..
Our Hearts Can Handle It All.
Yes, at times it feels unbearable…like we will die– from the pain, the grief, the loss, the anger, the hate, the lack of control..the suffering….and even more pain. And yet our hearts can hold it all.
The Our Lady Of The Inner Gate card reminds us….. These things initiate us into the power of our hearts….and we are led, over and over, back to the lessons our HEART has to teach us.
This I Know… My heart..in both its great expansion and openness, and its brokenness….has given me the gift of compassion…and so much more. I am learning, that my heart CAN hold it all…and I wanted to remind YOU of the great depth and POWER of YOUR HEART.
Feeling love for humanity…and a heart doodle.