Urban Dictionary…Willow…the nicest girl you will ever meet, except when you piss her off. She is the person i really care about but she doesn’t know it
Morning! I had soothing AND some fun for you this morning…a sunrise walk and a hike on the Colorado river. I hugged a tree in your honor, it was enormous.
Allison Crow…I missed you live..boo hoo.lol
I cannot thank you enough..you just get it all.
Just finished watching what you shared..I just love what your shared with Outi awesome cards..so uplifting.I need your thoughts.
Stop being so uptight…wow true..in progress.
Needed it..
Love ya so much.xoxo
Soothe me!
As always, you look absolutely stunning.
Perfect timing I need soothing
Hi Allison
Hello gorgeous
Good morning!!
Good morning
Blue is your color, pretty!
Ah smiling
She holding a ball of sunshine/joy
Always listening to the voices
I love you!β€
Ooooo love that card now
Interesting pairing. Linking vision with looking beyond the obvious
I have to get rid of the cranky spirit
Good morning, good weekend!
Writing that down because I know to : look beyond the obvious
Your coaching group
Beta coach croip
My Wi-Fi is spotty… If I lose you please pull me a card if its not too much trouble…….if you do that today….lol, I don’t want to miss out!
Yay I hate to miss out on when you share your energy!?
Yay I hate to miss out on when you share your energy!
Urban Dictionary…Willow…the nicest girl you will ever meet, except when you piss her off. She is the person i really care about but she doesn’t know it
Thanks Allison!!
Thanks have a great weekend!!
Thank you Allison, love to you ?
Thank you Allison, love to you
Morning! I had soothing AND some fun for you this morning…a sunrise walk and a hike on the Colorado river. I hugged a tree in your honor, it was enormous.
I love hugging trees.
It was a big ol’ cottonwood 4 person hugger size, lots of room for us. ?
It was a big ol’ cottonwood 4 person hugger size, lots of room for us.
Hello…Beautiful I have missed you..xoxo
Allison Crow…I missed you live..boo hoo.lol
I cannot thank you enough..you just get it all.
Just finished watching what you shared..I just love what your shared with Outi awesome cards..so uplifting.I need your thoughts.
Stop being so uptight…wow true..in progress.
Needed it..
Love ya so much.xoxo
The serious bug! Haha! Me too these days!
I missed this. Have you re pained your room? I didn’t think it was blue
Yes I did! On Thursday. Lakeside blue on that wall.
Allison Crow I like it!
Here on the replay beautiful!!!
Hell yes!!!
“Ate each other’s butt muscles to survive” is the greatest live statement ever!
Don’t fly over the Andes mountains in a small plane.
“Back in track through the essence of joy” gorgeous!!!
Me too!!! #freedomthroughselfdeprecation ???
Me too!!! #freedomthroughselfdeprecation
COURAGE! A huge word for me right now too!!!
The two cards have trees on their heads
ohhh listening on a Sunday afternoon, so need soothing and a virtual hug….thank you sweetheart. xxxx
courage ..for me too..huge at the moment π