Found this while packing when we moved. Circa 2000. I was 27 or so. I was a kindergarten teacher -possibly tech coordinator by then.
I love this woman so much…. under 30 Allison- so much is about to change for you— life is going to throw a major curve…. your husband… the one you are about to marry… will want to leave just after 2 years….and you are gonna hop lanes into the self-employment world…. into real estate for a while (to get excellent sales and business training and experience) and then… into personal and professional development. You are going to enjoy post-divorce life and eventually meet your real partner in life. You will create more love and joy and meaning than you ever envisioned. You will not have 5 biological children or be a stay at home mom. In fact, you are about to discover that you have cancer- everything will be fine and taken care of with surgery. Nothing will turn out the way you thought you wanted.
All that pain and loss will help you drop some strict judgments and religious beliefs and step on to more expansive path with an open heart and mind that will set you free. You still love dogs, but you work in rescue now. Oh. And you have much better teeth! And eventually you do get the big boobs you want— but not via surgery – instead…. you actually grow into a woman’s body. Curvy and soft but beautiful and strong. You also pick back up the colors and paints you put down as a child. And your knack for technology and love of computers helps you create global connections and clientele way beyond the little Texas life you live now.
I could go on and on….. there’s a song Garth Brooks sings…. called “Unanswered Prayers” and like in the song – you will thank God that your prayers weren’t answered because something 10000x Better comes along. Oh, Beloved Divine… I’m so glad you know better than me and I am thankful for those #unansweredprayers .