Hello Magic Friends –
Yes, you are magic and I am here to remind you how fucking delicious and brilliant you are. I’m a bit on fire today – and the last few weeks. Ever since my own amazing breakdown –I remembered who I was! Who I am, who I be…the lights came back on.
That shit happens in life. But you know what is about to happen, is your and my FUTURE. The future we are creating! And when we keep moaning on about the past – like I did – it sinks into our skin and cells and bones like a thick sludge.
So I’m in your inbox today to remind you that you are a Super Nova— you are Stardust…and if those are too ephemeral for you – You are a human being who has the ability to get up, shake the dust off of ordinary life by doing these three things:
1. Move Your Body. Grab that device in your hand or on your desk and turn on one dance song…..get up, move and Shake it Off. Here…here’s one for you…. SHAKE IT OFF. Dance, wiggle, walk, and shake to this, or ANY song and you will instantly raise your vibration and mojo.
2. Stop your shitty Thinking. If you are feeling shitty, it’s because your thinking is in a rut. Again, I know this because I’ve lived it and I’ve gotten out of the rut with ONE decision, and so can you. You can thinkANYTHING you want about your self. I always say everything is made up — so make up something good. Here is a list of shitty thinking that we have all engaged in that rots our souls and robs our joy —
- blaming others
- blaming yourself
- avoiding responsibility
- lying to yourself
- stop projecting your shit on to others
- delusional thinking
- being committed to your excuses
- resisting owning your shit and moving on
- dragging your past with you.
3. Focus on your Future – on what you want to create instead of what has happened in the past. Give your self a project and get to work. Stop dragging the past around with you. So what. Y’all know I love to just BE in the present moment – and, it is important to have something to create, to look forward to – organic matter (you are organic matter) does best when it moves and grows – and so if you are stale, it’s because you aren’t moving and growing.
SO WHAT – about all your past, so what about your conditions. You wanna know how to change your lame conditions, move your body, change your thinking and start scheeming and dreaming about what you want to create in the next season of your life and take action on it.
BIG LOVE, Your Favorite Life Coach