Dr. Wayne Dyer has passed from his body. And when I saw the news, and then confirmed it on his page, the tears started to flow. A man I only met face to face briefly in the greenroom of a Hay House conference in NYC.
My friend Kayla and I loved to call him Uncle Wayne Of course no relation, but when someone’s work feels so at home in your soul… it feels like family.
I can’t even remember if it was the first book of his that I read, but I read Your Sacred Self 5 years ago and the words that came through that page held me. They were Spirit channeled in the pages of a book that gave me the courage to follow a new path. To rediscover who I WAS before I got lost. Anyone who has ever asked, if you had one book to recommend…. I usually say Wayne Dyers, “Your Sacred Self: Making the Decision to be Free.” And now sweet and wise, seeking and gentle man…you are free from your body. Free from the back pain and any other malarkey (I vaguely knew of some illness…and like Wayne–decided I would stand with him energetically in his WELLNESS).
My copy of that book is underlined in a zillion places. It’s pages are now almost as soft as cotton fabric….dog eared and well-loved. If there were a way to mark on my audible version of Sacred Self, and many of his other works—it would show that they have been absorbed a billion times.
Wayne also introduced me to Anita Moorjani and her story and book, “Dying To Be Me.” Another in my top 5…and the one book that erased fear of death. It didn’t didn’t erase the sadness I feel when someone else dies, but it did ease any sadness I had about missing out on life here.
As I type, stories and quotes, and images flood my mind. Too many to post here. Words seem so inadequate, and I will still say Dr. Dyer, I love you. Thank you for sharing your work, your writing, your stories, and heart. Thank you for cussing on stage from time to time. Thank you for sharing the stories of Love and Spirit that you experienced in everyday life with us.
Even in your death, you call me back to Spirit. To remember my I AMness. To remember that I can create my reality with Intention. That I AM Spirit Manifest. That I am Divine. Thank you for helping me see a new version of reality…and that my Sacred Self is within me…and is not defined by anything outside of me. Thank you for helping me look for Spiritual solutions to any problem I encounter. Heartfelt appreciation…for teaching me the power of appreciation. And for your thoughts on abundance, and wellness, and orbs and so very much more. Namaste brother, uncle, friend, author, teacher, sage, human, and Divine Spirit in a physical body..that has now gone on to the next adventure.
You have merely shed your earthly shell..and now are fully expanded in INFINITE LOVE. Blessings to your family and loved ones who will miss your physical presence.
I will continue to be like the Orange…and make sweet Juicy Juice when squeezed. I will remember that I AM SACRED. I AM LOVE.