How to energize your Share Your Heart Show Your Work Business:
Everything we do and be exists in the spiritual and cosmic realm- the infinite spiral of Love. The Universe/The Divine/God is conspiring FOR you. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Because of our humanness, in this spiritual context, there will be EBB and FLOW. Cycles are natural and to be worked with not against.
Humans and mass media created a linear way of working and being.
So stepping into that linear framework:
❤1. Remember who you BE. Your I AMness. Do your spiritual practices, fill your well, and tap into the truth of your heart. Get centered. Get into alignment …. And THEN….
❤2. SYHSYW 80/10/10.
80% create and express your own work, message, goodness, etched first. Create and share from your heart and put it out there.
10% contribute to others work. Connect. Conversations. Contribute and connect giving to others lives and work.
10% consume. Only when all else is done – is there room to consume. And do this wisely…. In a way that supports the whole you. Be mindful about consuming fear, doubt, and scarcity. What you feed your head and heart end up coming out of your head and heart.
?Love Allison.
I need to switch some of my connect time to create time…feels needed