That makes sense ~ when I’m up, and very happy I meet so many people, but when I’m reserved, I don’t meet anyone and I’m not happy, nor am I being me ?
It is just a new skill and with practice it can be easy! and fun. And I HAVE to plug Share Your Heart & Show Your Work — new class and community launching this fall (sept).
h man…this one is still a challenge for me. Slow down. breathe and feel before responding. Catch the softball before throwing it back. I took a relationship course that called it “The HOLE” and the idea was when we saw the HOLE coming….to STOP and take a break and then come back.
Thank you – the softball analogy was also really helpful. And the challenge I have is recognizing what is happening before I hit the ball versus catching it After it happens I am totally aware that I just tried to smack a home run which usually ends up in a foul ball. What is even more challenging is when the comments coming at us are not intended to be softballs from the other but they really are. The 2 statements you shared are UBER helpful (again being aware that it is happening) are “Thank you for sharing” and “i’m so glad you told me your opinion”. When I change, they change as well. ACP – awareness, choice, practice. Thanks for the HOLE info – I’m going to check it out. xoxo
Also remembering when I get that triggered – and start to lose my shit- I remember that my inside little girl is afraid…. And then I remember his inside little
Boy is too. I parent my little girl and then come back to the conversation. And I never try to parent his little boy inside. That is his journey.
I Stop..and i allow myself to just be in the moment, I feel the sadness, and pity, and I say, Mind over matter. I have a choice to either stay, or change my mood. I then listen to motivational speakers, and that feeling of sadness seems to just go away. It feeds my soul. You Allison, feed my soul, and I am grateful.
me too. you could start a sacred sloth circle and we could all lay around and watch movies and eat and nap and smile that blissful little smile sloths have!
LOL I’m 50 and I LOVE exercise ( but the fun kind) kayaking, biking, hiking, I’m going to do the March to the Arch ( 21 mile hike) people think I’m crazy ??
LOL I’m 50 and I LOVE exercise ( but the fun kind) kayaking, biking, hiking, I’m going to do the March to the Arch ( 21 mile hike) people think I’m crazy
This is awesome Allison β I was having this conversation with a client today, and you’re right β she has a total muscle memory that tells her it’s easier to be stuck and in pain then it is to express herself. Great stuff. <3
It helps when we surround ourselves with others that help us heal. Great words of wisdom for some of us that are feeling stuck. Thank you thank you thank you!!! Now going to make the rest of the week easier
The heavies I keep going back to are worth-related; who am I to ask women to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to work with me? I truly believe this comes from my adoption story β I was given up for adoption because my unwed mother earned very little money and felt like she need a man in order to keep her family together. Whew… that is heavy!
I love that you did bc we all do that at times. The light in the story is: I was given freedom to find out that I’m an awesome listener and meant to be a coach. That I am a kick-ass seer of people’s truth. That I hold space for women in a way that they don’t typically experience in their lives. All of it has immense, immeasurable value and I love using my gifts! Thank you, Allison.
I love that Allison! This is so helpful because it’s reminding me to be more intentional about bringing those things I love into my day before business or client attraction.
Got off the call last night and searched the house for the perfect journaling tool. Not a notebook that is to close to To Do Lists. It can be zippered, hold rewards and trinkets, thoughts but most important get life moving down the easier path!! Great wisdom tytyty
Yes! Yes! Inspired action takes effort…it is often outside my comfort zone…yet if I am doing work I love it is never hard. Does this make sense…???
Mowing yard = exothermic, creative work = exothermic
Old chemistry terms
I LOVE you, Allison! <3 <3 <3
Debt runs in my family too
Me too Laura
It’s in the genetic Memory of our family story. Would love to explore how to move out of that story
I need some graphic design clients or art buyers π
Both actually
I ask it, and it somehow arrives.
Coming to me…almost feel TOO intuitive about it!?
Coming to me
when I’m stressing, it’s me chasing clients … when I’m visualizing and affirming — it’s clients coming to me
I am fantasizng that they’ll just come to me
affirmations all day and every day <3
I can breathe freely, when i have money freedom. Ah the air is soo fresh, and light. I do a happy dance.
love….let go of the heavy. <3
Thank you thank you … so what I need to hear today <3
Oh hi! I finally caught you live!
It’s practicing the ease.. repeating it
How do you balance this with “feeling your feelings”? which is supposedly healthy LOL
so I love designing educational games for my son… It makes me spark… and then I stop, I freeze
lol! love ya! Thank you thank you
Going downstairs to my studio, and being grateful that I have been able to make it finically thanks to my passion i have in art. I am soo grateful.
That makes sense ~ when I’m up, and very happy I meet so many people, but when I’m reserved, I don’t meet anyone and I’m not happy, nor am I being me ?
I noticed you posted a flower…many flowers close during the dark hours…and open up again during the light. Ebb and Flow…cycles again, eh!?
Allison Crow Flanigin I almost always put a flower at the end of my posts ~ or a happy face LOL ?
That makes sense ~ when I’m up, and very happy I meet so many people, but when I’m reserved, I don’t meet anyone and I’m not happy, nor am I being me
Allison Crow Flanigin I almost always put a flower at the end of my posts ~ or a happy face LOL
How do we allow others to help us.. to make it easy?
Like if I’m always upping my vibes…am I stuffing my feelings?
Be so fucking tender
I love designing, but sales/marketing is “hard”
It is just a new skill and with practice it can be easy! and fun. And I HAVE to plug Share Your Heart & Show Your Work — new class and community launching this fall (sept).
just a new skill, I like that…I also believe in maybe fining a partner in crime who would enjoy that part more?. Clicking on that link NOW…
Ill stay posted! I am getting “peacocks” all over the place (while awake, not on dreams) and I am told it is about showing your colors… lets see π
Thank you ?
How do we be tender with ourselves when we are confronted by someone who is totally pissing us off?
h man…this one is still a challenge for me. Slow down. breathe and feel before responding. Catch the softball before throwing it back. I took a relationship course that called it “The HOLE” and the idea was when we saw the HOLE coming….to STOP and take a break and then come back.
Thank you – the softball analogy was also really helpful. And the challenge I have is recognizing what is happening before I hit the ball versus catching it After it happens I am totally aware that I just tried to smack a home run which usually ends up in a foul ball. What is even more challenging is when the comments coming at us are not intended to be softballs from the other but they really are. The 2 statements you shared are UBER helpful (again being aware that it is happening) are “Thank you for sharing” and “i’m so glad you told me your opinion”. When I change, they change as well. ACP – awareness, choice, practice. Thanks for the HOLE info – I’m going to check it out. xoxo
Also remembering when I get that triggered – and start to lose my shit- I remember that my inside little girl is afraid…. And then I remember his inside little
Boy is too. I parent my little girl and then come back to the conversation. And I never try to parent his little boy inside. That is his journey.
Allison Crow Flanigin Such a great reminder – makes me think of Byron Katie – what’s mine is mine, what’s yours is yours.
We feel bad because we feel weak. So we still try to push forward and I agree we fall backwards.
I Stop..and i allow myself to just be in the moment, I feel the sadness, and pity, and I say, Mind over matter. I have a choice to either stay, or change my mood. I then listen to motivational speakers, and that feeling of sadness seems to just go away. It feeds my soul. You Allison, feed my soul, and I am grateful.
You’re good on my end.
There there, fear, I can ignore you. Ha
That’s so helpful
Cheers Allison!
sloth tribe
buahahah! I love being a sloth.
me too. you could start a sacred sloth circle and we could all lay around and watch movies and eat and nap and smile that blissful little smile sloths have!
Rebecca Davidson we’ll wait till you get to the retreat. We practice magic… With a juicy side of slothing.
I shall play with mine tonight.
44 year old here, too. Those little dolls are just precious at the gym, aren’t they? Lol
LOL I’m 50 and I LOVE exercise ( but the fun kind) kayaking, biking, hiking, I’m going to do the March to the Arch ( 21 mile hike) people think I’m crazy ??
LOL I’m 50 and I LOVE exercise ( but the fun kind) kayaking, biking, hiking, I’m going to do the March to the Arch ( 21 mile hike) people think I’m crazy
This is awesome Allison β I was having this conversation with a client today, and you’re right β she has a total muscle memory that tells her it’s easier to be stuck and in pain then it is to express herself. Great stuff. <3
Takes one to know one. I’m 47 and think every day about how to honor my body. Instead I work, eat and tv and sleep.
It’s like my heart rate goes up when I play my workout playlist, no matter what I’m doing.
Carry a softball mitt to the next family gathering..
Thank you! I love Kyle Cease too but haven’t seen that one yet.
Wow. That’s life changing for me today.
It helps when we surround ourselves with others that help us heal. Great words of wisdom for some of us that are feeling stuck. Thank you thank you thank you!!! Now going to make the rest of the week easier
Thank you Allison ?
Love you ???β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
ciao! thank you!
Thank you!
<3 <3 <3 It doesn't have to be hard
Pretty much the same heavies as you Alison, except for the jealousy and insecurity. Plus a narcissist husband, and the debt is mostly personal.
It doesn’t bother me every day, and as far as your question for me the fantasy is clients showing up, not making them come.
Great distinction – hard work that feels easy versus hard work that feels hard.
The heavies I keep going back to are worth-related; who am I to ask women to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to work with me? I truly believe this comes from my adoption story β I was given up for adoption because my unwed mother earned very little money and felt like she need a man in order to keep her family together. Whew… that is heavy!
What is the light in that story?
Can you find some?
And thank you for acknowledging g. I’m sorry I went straight to fix it mode. Yikes.
I love that you did bc we all do that at times. The light in the story is: I was given freedom to find out that I’m an awesome listener and meant to be a coach. That I am a kick-ass seer of people’s truth. That I hold space for women in a way that they don’t typically experience in their lives. All of it has immense, immeasurable value and I love using my gifts! Thank you, Allison.
Clyde says use your softball/baseball mit!!!
See. Let me try again. Thank for sharing. I see you. I feel you. I am here for you.
I think about finding my clients. Like it’s my job to find my clients
What was the name of Kyle’s video again?
Tammy Judd Jenny. This one.
Music… Painting… Time with my dog…. Sleep
I love that Allison! This is so helpful because it’s reminding me to be more intentional about bringing those things I love into my day before business or client attraction.
you already are that!
The brain predicts what it expects. Takes work to change
The class I attended last night covered exactly this topic!
Thanks, Allison. “Let it be easy” <3
My mom used to always say “robbing Peter to pay Paul.” I didn’t realize how engrained that was in me.
Got off the call last night and searched the house for the perfect journaling tool. Not a notebook that is to close to To Do Lists. It can be zippered, hold rewards and trinkets, thoughts but most important get life moving down the easier path!! Great wisdom tytyty