This message fills me with pride, appreciation, compassion and gratitude for exploring my shame, learning from it, growing… it’s been a huge journey xxx β€οΈ
This message fills me with pride, appreciation, compassion and gratitude for exploring my shame, learning from it, growing… it’s been a huge journey xxx
For me, the work is to notice the feeling with curiosity, as a signal that something needs attention, WITHOUT making it mean anything about me. I have feelings; I am not my feelings.
The most powerful things in transforming my shame were- I see you, I hear you, I feel you… I’m here for you! (I won’t abandon you) x Everything is going to be ok… together we can get through this x
This has really been an eye-opener for me.. because I did some of the same things.. I worried about my husband trusting me with my business… and I wasn’t trusting myself enough. I lost faith when those around me didn’t have faith in me. Screw them! I need to just have faith/trust in myself!
It’s not so much that I think the judger in my life is right, I just love her and want to spend time with her but she exhausts me with the shoulds. I’ve asked her to stop but she’s convinced she knows what’s right for everyone.
Oh yeah. Well clemmo wines at me all the time. so i decided to sing her a song….. very VERY out of tune. It wigged her out – she didn’t know what to make of it and finally lay down on the kitchen mat and just looked at me. Payback is a bitch!
OMG! Me too! I love hanging out here with such beautiful REAL people and being face to face with you all will be so great! Thank you for being here and being inspiration!
Allison, what do you do when someone is projecting on you, their fears, and this triggers you against them…eventhough I may very well know that it all comes back to me? (she triggers me because I am triggering myself with an “unresolved” issue)
My past is part of my journey … it was all there to teach me something. I am grateful for my past and the journey I’ve been on and what it’s taught me.
I had regrets going on for 40yrs.but nothing changed until I realized all the time I had lost. There are never “TAKE BACKS” so better psych up, and focus on what you have to look forward to
Shame feel like death.
Hi! β€οΈ
In the past, I did my best. Until I could do better.
They are so funny, spunky monkeys!
Hi sister!
Shame makes me feel nautious, literally and sometimes I wake up with it
Thank you! ???
Never tried that going to try it
Pride? Self-celebration?
Opposite is pride
SO true!!
I love it, shame what are you trying to teach me
All emotions totally have purpose xxx β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈ
All emotions totally have purpose xxx
This video is opening my workshop on self-love tomorrow! ?
This video is opening my workshop on self-love tomorrow!
So true xxx
Here it is again– I think shame is teaching me to slow down before I make big decisions and stop being impulsive –to grow up
This message fills me with pride, appreciation, compassion and gratitude for exploring my shame, learning from it, growing… it’s been a huge journey xxx β€οΈ
This message fills me with pride, appreciation, compassion and gratitude for exploring my shame, learning from it, growing… it’s been a huge journey xxx
Awesome work this morning
For me, the work is to notice the feeling with curiosity, as a signal that something needs attention, WITHOUT making it mean anything about me. I have feelings; I am not my feelings.
Yes Bay β€οΈ
Yes Bay
I’m 44
I just turned 45.. forever 28!
It’s extra tricky as I learn to use my sensitivity, not be run by it.
Hi Goodmorning, this is awesome
I think what hurts is feeling like I’m the only one! The only one who makes mistakes
Like Harry Potter in the 1st movie
Shame makes me shrink into someone small…the opposite of that is rising up and “assuming my full stature”
Rosie.. You’re not alone. We all make mistakes. We’re here to learn from them. The best Life Lessons come from our mistakes
Totally. I’ve noticed I use it to help me with people with what’s up, but I use it with me with what’s wrong with me. Not helping…
Big sham
e this morning
Honesty, the best policy~
Love that! Be mindful!
Thank you. I’m taking this in.
So true! β€οΈ
The most powerful things in transforming my shame were- I see you, I hear you, I feel you… I’m here for you! (I won’t abandon you) x Everything is going to be ok… together we can get through this x
Remembering to make a distinction: Is this my personality/ego/thinking mind OR my Inner Wise One/soul/heart/in-the-body Consciousness
Good morning everyone
Wow. Very insightful. Projection… very interesting when i stop projecting I have to look at myself.
This has really been an eye-opener for me.. because I did some of the same things.. I worried about my husband trusting me with my business… and I wasn’t trusting myself enough. I lost faith when those around me didn’t have faith in me. Screw them! I need to just have faith/trust in myself!
Gotta hop… amazing stuff β€οΈ from the heart xxx
Gotta hop… amazing stuff from the heart xxx
Yes. So much should. Love BK
How do I deal with someone that “shoulds” all over me daily? Sometimes hourly. ?
How do I deal with someone that “shoulds” all over me daily? Sometimes hourly.
That’s easy. My 144 year old says Fuck them! Keep going! No one’s perfect.
No. she’s laughing!!!! And smiling
Interesting. Ugh. Even though actually say the words “you should doing this…”
Should to could. Nice
nice one – “could” π
Yes they
It’s not so much that I think the judger in my life is right, I just love her and want to spend time with her but she exhausts me with the shoulds. I’ve asked her to stop but she’s convinced she knows what’s right for everyone.
Hi ya all or should I say good’day
That’s me I have a thing about not being wrong!
Hiya! Missed it!
Thank you! β€οΈοΈ
I just read that as scared passage!
Thank you Allison??
Wonderful wisdom this morning thank you?
Wonderful wisdom this morning thank you
Thank you.
I will tune in to the replay!
The dogs!!
You’re supposed to tell us about the dogs yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I read scared lol
REMINDING YOU— You’re supposed to tell us about the dogs yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yeah. Well clemmo wines at me all the time. so i decided to sing her a song….. very VERY out of tune. It wigged her out – she didn’t know what to make of it and finally lay down on the kitchen mat and just looked at me. Payback is a bitch!
Thank you! love you! <3
Snowing here in Plain, WA,
I’m so glad you are coming to Camp Star Heart Christy Chick Nash! ?β€οΈ?
I’m so glad you are coming to Camp Star Heart Christy Chick Nash!
OMG! Me too! I love hanging out here with such beautiful REAL people and being face to face with you all will be so great! Thank you for being here and being inspiration!
Letting go of self judgement first, helps!
Feeling shadow emotions.
Wonderful stuff today!???
Wonderful stuff today!
yes, I do feel like that..and also when you are acting like a “victim” people accept you more, than when you are in “anger” (healthy anger)!
shame tells me to be more “choosy” who you share with, and honor my truth with those I trust.
Like that Rosie Bernardo!
445 views! Wow. I’m so happy my question and Allison’s coaching created a good video.
“universe has its own self correcting” love it!
Allison, what do you do when someone is projecting on you, their fears, and this triggers you against them…eventhough I may very well know that it all comes back to me? (she triggers me because I am triggering myself with an “unresolved” issue)
My past is part of my journey … it was all there to teach me something. I am grateful for my past and the journey I’ve been on and what it’s taught me.
I had regrets going on for 40yrs.but nothing changed until I realized all the time I had lost. There are never “TAKE BACKS” so better psych up, and focus on what you have to look forward to