Emotions aren’t a problem to be solved or fixed. You are not broken.
Let’s talk poop for a moment. That is a biological process and probably you learned helpful ways to poop daily. You learned how to use a toilet because pooping in a toilet is useful. Pooping anywhere and everywhere, and certainly stuffing in inside you isn’t helpful.
Emotions are a natural biological process- that many of us haven’t been taught how to manage with care and usefulness.
We weren’t taught to meet ourselves and our emotions in connected ways. We were taught to “suck it up” or “get over it. We are taught there are negative emotions. Even in coaching, we are taught to “change your thinking” as this mechanical way of changing our emotions.
NOPE. All the NOPES ever. There are NO negative emotions… only ways of managing them that are useful and helpful, or ways that are harmful.
This is what I help my clients do…. MEET themselves…. Truly meet the parts of themselves so that they can relax…. And feel compassionate confidence in navigating emotions so that we can make helpful and healthy choices in our actions as we build our life and business.
Sending you big love. Especially for all your feelings and emotions.