Live Coaching #3: Finding Focus & Clarity – Finding my Mission & Passion
This is #3 from a series of live coaching sessions. Β In this session, Tina is an entrepreneur with many different creative projects, so many -that she gets overwhelmed and all end up suffering. We use a few different processes to help her evaluate and get clarity on what is important.
Β Let me know what you learn from watching, and how you can apply this session to your own life.Β
If you are interested in working with me, check my coachingΒ page for more info and to submit an application.
Hi! ?
Hi Bette Norcross Wappner
Hi JG and hi Allison
Hi Eric Luczak
I signed up in your calendar so I’ll be coming up
So exciting watching this live β€
So exciting watching this live
Hello y’all!
Hi Peter =)
You could be talking to me on this topic.
That’s why these lives are helpful I think. The challenges aren’t dissimilar- what insights did you get for YOURSELF ?
That’s why these lives are helpful I think. The challenges aren’t dissimilar- what insights did you get for YOURSELF
Income funnels, turning product offers on and off, and looking at each thing as a project. I have lumped everything into my online site and I prefer it that way. I bring them together through doodling but they are different forms of revenue generation for me.
awesome to see this in practice
Thanks for coaching live and being out there!
I am thinking the same thing, Christine
Funnels of income!!!!!
Yes. funnels on income.
Good stuff
Such good stuff I learned so much! Thank you for doing that!
I’d love to hear what insights you got?!
Well it is a lot so get ready… Personally, I am struggling with a similar issue. Everyone says to get a niche, but I like way too many things so I loved how you narrowed down the list to only the vagina tinglers and to let the rest go. We can still have multi facets in our biz this way. It helps to focus our energy in the right ways. If it is not a hell yes, it is a hell no, there are no maybes. Money goes where your excitement is. I really loved the question and insight toward the end when you asked what she is getting out of having all of these things she is on the fence about and she realized it was so she didn’t disappoint people which I can relate to. Also, that you can change things up you don’t have to just have one thing you stick to, which is so freeing. Plus because I am taking a course to get certified as a coach, it was really cool to see all of these concepts I am being taught and practicing with other soon to be coaches being put to use in a REAL deal coaching session and done so well.
Thank you for sharing!!’ You don’t need a niche early in the game! You just gotta coach your ass off!!!! You’ve got this ???
Thank you for sharing!!’ You don’t need a niche early in the game! You just gotta coach your ass off!!!! You’ve got this
Well thank you! Ive been in private practice for over 7 years now and have still yet to pick a niche and it has worked out and kept me from getting bored, lol I know it will work out
So happy this was helpful to others too. <3 <3
Thanks for watching.
Traditional advice doesn’t work for a multi-passionate. Tried it, felt totally wrong
This was awesome! You are awesome, AC! You get things flowing again when people are stuck! Powerful stuff! Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift!β€
This was awesome! You are awesome, AC! You get things flowing again when people are stuck! Powerful stuff! Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift!