In the 5 element theory of Chinese medicine and philosophy autumn is the time go slow down, deal with excess grief. let go, and breadth in new beginnings. If is the lungs ( taking in new) and large intestine (letting go out what’s not working). These organs govern this season. Look at the trees. They are letting go
I’ve just recently had this insight! When I focus on a specific outcome I get all tripped up but when I keep it general and do what feels good = magic!
Reading the book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Your point about being in the NOW is the whole point in accessing the possibilities in the quantum universe. Can’t find them if worried, and focusing on the past or the future.
You know what I love about this first show. I’m not ready. I have so many thoughts of what I’d like to do. And I’m not even close. But I started. I’m sure there will be millions of tweaks. And I know we will all get better. I’m learning in front of my audience. And someday, I’ll be able to look back at the “early shows”.
yes! π
Blerg! Me too!
Yes. Hello again.
Hello again! Have my glass of wine now!
Hi π
Helen May – Heartcentred Coaching Relax your little self.
i see two live shows at the same time, anyone else?
Hugs Miriam!β‘β‘
Libra brain here π hehe
Lisa Robbin Young calls it a fusion type
That a good term.
Yes. I have both sides too and did her test. Came up as a chaotic creative but she changed the definition of me after we talked π
Leo here!!
Hello dear pne
yipeee—no diet cokes, really?
Dear one…omg
Yes, I heard about that and about what a beautiful soul he has
Lots of grief takes a toll on the body
What I need to do
Need to find my yummy
Thanks for the example of bring true to your self
Elyse and I are here
Marketing is part of what sucks me dry of energy. So it’s what I need to make easier
It was the “what I need to call BS on.”
Love horses!
That’s wow!!!
so bring us up to speed, where are you now on your energetics – did the continual practice keep you in motion or did you recently experience a shift?
What do I have to “believe” in abundance when you are feeling lack and scarcity?
Gotta get to boredom and contentment of you are in lack. Softly go up the scale is easier than the giant leap.
More soon.
I am, and I’m doing a happy dance
You have been a huge helpful source of love and diet support. I love and appreciate all you gave me this year.
Love your energy Allison
It’s a very special energy
Yesssss…must remember..remember to listen
Thank you Allison
Lovely to hear how you support yourself in acceptance.
So colourful!!
Family is one of them.
movement, family, food,
Whisky doesn’t give a sugar hangover if you mix it with gatorade ?
Hello hello!
you are a magician!!
Yes I am. We are all wizards. If we will just stay out of muggle town.
crockpot of energy-that’s a writter downer. and put some bone broth in your pot while you
your at it
Can’t keep doing that hassle hassle hussle
I meant hussle
I’ve been very tired lately, because it’s the start of the colder season. Taking it easier
We all have a winter. We are natural being and have a natural slow time.
Yes. October is my slowest because my body’s adjusting to the temperature. So more pain and fatigue, but I know it’s coming
In the 5 element theory of Chinese medicine and philosophy autumn is the time go slow down, deal with excess grief. let go, and breadth in new beginnings. If is the lungs ( taking in new) and large intestine (letting go out what’s not working). These organs govern this season. Look at the trees. They are letting go
I don’t have any grief to let go of. I do have pieces of my anatomy missing. I will be taking it slow π
loving you! thank you gorgeous!
You’re still running though Allison..and I’m so glad that you are
Thank you – hopped in late – will watch the replay. Sounds like a great topic.
paltry. i love that.
why yes it is
Adore you so much
Woooooooo hoooooooooooo!
love the sisterhood
Watching the replay! π
Hooray! Happy to have you Nadine.
Thanks!!! Love hanging out with you! π
Oh, I like that!!! Nice visual.
I like that… self care is a good answer. We must tune in. I love when I can feel what my body wants and needs from me.
Enjoyed that! Thanks for sharing your heart and showing your work. π
I was in coaching with you when you made that choice and I didn’t freak out at all. π
I’m so sorry I missed this, but so happy I can watch it now!
I’ve just recently had this insight! When I focus on a specific outcome I get all tripped up but when I keep it general and do what feels good = magic!
Hi, I miss you!!
Reading the book “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One” by Dr. Joe Dispenza. Your point about being in the NOW is the whole point in accessing the possibilities in the quantum universe. Can’t find them if worried, and focusing on the past or the future.
Cultivate my inner listening…good
Hahaha – it wasn’t my phone’s problem with the sound this time!!! ????
Hahaha – it wasn’t my phone’s problem with the sound this time!!!
You know what I love about this first show. I’m not ready. I have so many thoughts of what I’d like to do. And I’m not even close. But I started. I’m sure there will be millions of tweaks. And I know we will all get better. I’m learning in front of my audience. And someday, I’ll be able to look back at the “early shows”.
I love that about you. You jump before you’re ready. It takes guts. My kind of woman!
Awesome! And absolutely perfect.
Hmmm Not getting any sound??
…sound that is… (funny??)
Got sound! …Is it really that live!
Love your honesty!! Been feeling the same way… so great to not feel like it’s just my quirkiness…