Gripping to what is… and especially what has been, only creates a tightness. There are times when the Universe asks you to make changes…. to surrender to the next season or cycle.
You do know we don’t live a linear life, don’t you? Like all organic matter – we live in cycles… in waves or in spirals. We live in sacred geometry- not a straight line.
Sometimes we are shocked by the changes – health diagnosis the loss of a job, or the death of a beloved.
Other times, change whispers to us and we are the ones who have to make the change. We are asked to plug into the subtle signs. Pay attention to the dreams we have at night.
Change doesn’t just occur in the physical and material world- often it requires a much deeper and soul unraveling change of deep seeded beliefs. Releasing these beliefs can feel like releasing all that you are…. and we must remember our IAMness. We aren’t even our deepest wired in beliefs.
We are divine energy. And when we literally allow ourselves to go with the flow- release our will to the surrender of the current….we can then actually enjoy the ride.
Surrender. It isn’t giving up. But it is letting go. I intend to land on my feet, dancing, with a glorious laugh and my head tossed back in delight.
All my changes are easy to make.
? allison.