New Year Goals? A Business Plan?
Not Yet.
The magic space that is my office… here at this desk and in these journals, and even at this computer where I get to connect with my clients and friends.
I still haven’t really figured out what I want to “DO” in 2023. I start with a new coach this week. 1:1 – someone who is also neurodivergent and who has created tremendous success by the world’s standards- and who also wants and needs connection and space more than scale (and who is also surrounded by the 7-fig scale people). It feels good to be held in a Soft Strength- that’s one energy I do intend to cultivate more of this year.
What’s my plan? Who knows. At least right now. I know that these are the elements that are craving me this year:
- Movement for mental health- walking. Nothing hardcore.
- Connection. Loving on my people. Relationships over information. I crave being in in-person rooms again.
- More 1:1 work – deeper. Self-trust work. IFS and somatic with a topper of strategic. 2 spots open for 8-month engagements.
- This is the final year of Camp Cultivate. Something in my events and gatherings wants to shift. I feel like my body of work needs a culling. Clearing out and releasing of “content” stored in my online closets. My blog is over a decade old. My podcast turned 7 years old this week. I’ve become so many MEs in all these years.
- As I approach 51 -I can see the gifts that my 50th year gave me. I can see the line in my life that was drawn and who I am becoming: grounded self-trust, boundaries, compassion, and choice are big essences and themes.
- The Wild Edge of Being Human is in my bones and message. The holiness of meeting our humanity – compassion, care for ourselves and others is calling me. More than numbers and results. Being a maker- a writer and sharing the message of Permission, Process, and Practice. I do intend to cultivate and continue sharing the message of Unarmored, and wouldn’t it be nice to be on speaking stages again? To have the book spread to the hearts of people beyond my reach. To keep writing. I am a writer, an author.
I’m here to be a tender of souls and humans. A mama elephant, not a cheetah.
For now, this feels solid in me. The cinnamon-sugar boxer dog is at my side. Asking me to come feed her, and so I will.
If you aren’t “clear” on your goals or your plan yet- you are not alone, and you are not doing it wrong. You are a gardener, not a machine. Tend gently and slowly, and things will bloom at the perfect time.