You may have noticed a slight change in my online content lately. I’ve taken a month off to allow for space and listening.
No podcast.
No marketing plan.
No emails to my address book.
Just space (and servicing current clients).
I’ve been doing some really deep and healing work about the shit in the online and business world that still gets under my skin. I know ALL industries have their shit…. and coaching is my industry! I wanna create truly helpful work.
This deep work + space is so healing. Space allows me to ??? the systems of manipulation, fear, and magic pill bull shit.
Now more than ever, I am a stand for slow,
for deep,
for space which creates room for compassionately managing emotions.
Then we can move forward in centered and aligned action.
I have a few clients I’m leading in slow deep inner work – as business owners.
And we are all experiencing similar results- healing, more serenity, calm confidence, and sustainable profit… even increased income.
We have ALL been conditioned so deeply to buy and sell from fear vs self-trust.
I tell my clients often, I’m here to make my offerings irrelevant to you…. because you trust yourself more than even me.
This has been my own personal journey, too.
I am here to facilitate your journey of deep inner work and self-leadership so that you can be aligned in your work and life. You actually DO know what and how to do the things… if you can just sort out and hear your Sacred and centered self.
No more buying or selling magic pills. No more gaslighting over the mindset and coaching platitudes. No fear or scarcity enrolling. No overcoming objections. Just aligned readiness and knowing.
The more I know me, ALL parts of me, the more self-trust is built. I want that for you, too.
This post is a reminder that self-trust is an available journey and option for you. It just isn’t flashy and fast. It’s nuanced and slow and like any relationship develops over time. It is available to you…..
Allison, your favorite life coach.