Oh, that tricky little bugger doubt. My coach teaches in business, there are math problems and drama problems. I notice that my drama problems (doubt, fear, overwhelm, time, procrastination, and confusion) keep me from solving my math problems. It is that simple.
And the one that comes in for me MOST of all, and for many of my clients — is DOUBT. Not even fear. Just doubt.
I was smacked with doubt this week. And I’m learning that doubt is simply some conditioned thinking triggered by a neutral circumstance.
I used to freak out for days when doubt hit. I remember one leap I took about 5 years ago…and I was in a headspin for a week. Now my doubt last about a day….. here’s how I sooth and move through doubt so I can get my happy ass on the way to solving my math problems.
Breathe and notice. Breathe and notice. Release Judgement. “Even though I doubt I deserve more love, not less.” (Matt Kahn) and There, there, doubt – I see you- I will not leave you. I am here for you.
In a sacred container…. verbalize and release all the old stories and specific doubt…to the point I release the deepest tears about it. I’m not indulging here…but cleaning out. Allowing it to rise to the surface with the intention of releasing those stories not recreating them. When I get really honest –only then am I able to create a new agreement. I find, that forcing the old agreement, without allowing it to fully purge, that it comes back with a vengeance.
Don’t do it alone. I have a circle of trusted advisors. Yesterday I shared my heart with 3 specific people whom I knew could hold the energy I needed to release, and whom I knew to see me as the Divine Magician I AM.
And then again, I just breathe and begin to remember who I really am. I begin to rework the sentence in my mind and find a new thought pattern that feels true and good. I am able to learn new things, It always works out. Its what I do, take big risks for myself because I believe in myself, and usually, it pays off. I am able. Kaisen steps and joy in my heart I go forward.
Today is a new day. I remember, and I hope you do too.
If you are doubting….
I hope this helps you release the doubt and renew your mind. I have never met anyone who doesn’t experience doubt. And, I want to be someone who soothes and releases it instead of living by it.
On to the math problems, baby! I believe in you.
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