Achievement and Success, FB Live, Mindset and Thinking, Online Business, Recovering Overachiever, Releasing Resistance, ShareYourHeartShowYourWork, Small Biz Support, Soul-WorkAre you Stopping or Shipping? August 14, 2017A quickie from your favorite life coach: are you stopping or shipping? Connect on Facebook Share Free Share Your Heart Show Your Work Facebook Community Soulies Self-Leadership Coaching Membership Related Spread the love
Your Show Your Way!
Blah blah
Fuck Perfection’s Lies!
Totally what I need to hear. I fight the “you’re not an expert” demon daily. lol
Damn! I have been perfecting 10 Conversations with Jen… blah blah! Publish!
Love that!
I so appreciate your open, raw and direct sharing..
Ok…I’ll give it another go! ??β€
Ok…I’ll give it another go!
Hi there! Happy Monday!
Great message Allison!
Love the French fries!
I’ve got impetus, connection…but little drive..
We are ALL creatives.
Wake Up, Get In Alignment and Share Your Fucking Message! Love
Your making me laugh, taking a good look at myself..purpose…and belly ?
Your making me laugh, taking a good look at myself..purpose…and belly
“Perfectionism is procrastination in pretty shoes.” Elizabeth Gilbert. ?
“Perfectionism is procrastination in pretty shoes.” Elizabeth Gilbert.
Thnku β€
Thanks, Allison!
See. I even made a dang typo on this! Live coach instead of Life Coach. Buahahahah
Wait a minute… Michelle’s not an expert? Damn it!
How about a printer in the background? ?
Literally just edited a click out of Nadine’s interview! Haha
How about a printer in the background?
Hi from the replay ?
REPLAY ME: Great to hear you again. Really, it’s been 3 weeks you in that new place? Where was I????
Our voices. Yes.
Worse thing is how long it takes me to get my writing out. Edit mania.
Great message. Thanks Lovely.
Could you please say a bit more about sole purpose, and changing that……..?