I certainly have posted #toomuch today. And I’m a too much woman.
I am learning every day to love- deeply. Not just the good stuff – but also the deep shadow stuff. As I own my shadow- it frees me from deep pain… and releases me to love you without manipulation- but from a giving place instead of getting.
As I lean into discomfort- and listen to my body- and my inner wisdom- and feel all there is to feel- I set myself free.
I see my hate.
I see my fear.
I see my judgment.
I see my avoidance.
I see my insecurities.
I see my delusion.
I see my rage.
I see my unfaithfulness.
I see my disregard for my neighbor.
I see my intolerance of your shit. I see my intolerance of my own shit.
I see my massive projection on to all of you and especially to my most beloved.
I see my lack of compassion.
I see my pride and ego and excruciating need to feel valid and right and liked.
There, there, shadow self. I see you. I will not leave you. I am here for you.
Ps. This is a messy as fuck and painful process