the one thing you do to Eff your life up + Coffee & cards 10/4/16 Connect on Facebook Share Free Share Your Heart Show Your Work Facebook Community Soulies Self-Leadership Coaching Membership
Depression – How I Stay Successful When I’m Depressed.
I’ve struggled with clinical depression my entire adult life. Yep, I’m one of the genuinely happiest and joyful people who happens to wrestle with the deep shadow of depression. I was officially diagnosed at 24 and I’ve been working with doctors and managing it… [read more]
There’s Only One Way to Find Out
There’s only one way to find out…and other stories to get your off your ass and in to flow. Happy Hour Show. Connect on Facebook Share Free Share Your Heart Show Your Work Facebook Community Soulies Self-Leadership Coaching Membership
Don’t Believe the Crap that We are Inundated with – Coffee and Cards
…where to find the real answers, and a rebel card reading for us all. Connect on Facebook Share Free Share Your Heart Show Your Work Facebook Community Soulies Self-Leadership Coaching Membership
Take 2: Puppy duty and thoughts on letting business be easy.
Take 2: Puppy duty and thoughts on letting business be easy. Connect on Facebook Share Free Share Your Heart Show Your Work Facebook Community Soulies Self-Leadership Coaching Membership
Look Wider Than It Hurts…
Wise words for a day and time like this: Mark Nepo Connect on Facebook Share Free Share Your Heart Show Your Work Facebook Community Soulies Self-Leadership Coaching Membership
Journaling for Expression, Sanity, and Soul.
Why journal, some different styles of journaling, tools…and most of all permission to enjoy the process, stop comparing and let journaling be an exquisite tool in your life, work, and spirit. Connect on Facebook Share Free Share Your Heart Show Your Work Facebook Community Soulies… [read more]
The Heart Can Hold It All
I’ve always loved hearts. β€οΈ In my room at my mom and dad’s house is a collection of heart shaped boxes that were given to me over the years for my birthday…. February…. A week from Valentines. I had a rainbow heart mobile over my… [read more]