How will you get your Light out in to the world? How will you share YOU! Â Go Shine StarHeart, Go Shine!
A note to the Jerky Haters
Shame and hate vibrate near death. DEATH. If you want to convert someone or educate them to what you believe is your truth/faith… You will not do it with hate and shame. That is like rape. Bending someone over a barrel to convince them of… [read more]
I Once Was a Prostitute and I’ll bet You’ve Been One Too.
No this post won’t be about sex, but it will be about my time as a prostitute and how I climbed out of that hole and found the place I am in now. While I certainly wouldn’t accuse you, I would bet that a time… [read more]
Welcome to the Prima Donna Demo
Salvia food truck selfies, chia asymmetrical kombucha gastropub normcore irony trust fund meggings ramps organic vice. Freegan pour-over dreamcatcher leggings fingerstache, banjo taxidermy meggings cred humblebrag 3 wolf moon skateboard you probably haven’t heard of them. Synth gastropub tumblr mixtape, portland four loko kogi williamsburg… [read more]
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PSA for Coaches
PSA: Coaches…stop it with the bullshit. Stop fishing with this wide net with prescribed copy disguised as a personal message. Stop giving me free shit that I don’t need. Do not try to entice me with your 6 figure promise when you have no clue… [read more]
How are Your Money Vibes?
Money Fairy Tip for Inner & Outer Prosperity: a quote from one of my favorite spiritual dads. “Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” ~ Wayne Dyer. Your vibes and your spirit are deeply and innately connected to your flow… [read more]
In an Ebb? The Flow Always Comes Back
Following Spirit and your Intuition in ALL areas of your life can be tricky….and very much so in business. It is so tempting to DO DO DO DO. I confess, my mind has been racing about a zillion things – frankly, SHOULDING all over myself…. [read more]
Dusting off Desire and Making BOLD Declarations
[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] DESIRE: When did we give it up…when did we allow it to get dusty and feel ashamed of what we desire. Ok I guess I could own that….when did I allow desire to get dusty? What is it that we… [read more]