Part of my journey over the last 9 years as a professional coach has been learning and honing my way…MY WAY….. I was a “sales and NLP” coach for 4 years and know all the tactics and rules. But I’m not looking for conversion…. I’m… [read more]
What my incessant itching taught me before 9 am this morning.
What I’ve been doing is exactly what is keeping me from my next level of success: I fix and solve all my own problems. I rarely ask for help. I am so fucking independent and a self-reliant. It has made me a highly effective human being, employee,… [read more]
So You Can’t Afford a Coach?
Not many… almost NO one – budgets for coaching. And so affordability is the easy excuse out. Not of a coaching agreement, but the easy out of creating and living my one amazing life instead if a default life. I’ve never been able to afford… [read more]
Where Did My Creativity Go
Yep….I’ve been avoiding this feeling. Noticing it but being in denial. Many of you know that I’ve been creating like a mad woman for the past few years…. and in the last 14 months I’ve painted almost every single day….except for lately. YIKES. I’ve felt… [read more]
Humanness and Why You’ve Lost Your Joy – Thoughts from the Hammock
The Blessing I Got on the Day Maya Angelou Died
Dr. Maya Angelou crossed over the veil yesterday. Â As I watch the various posts and news articles cross my feed, I just soaked her love and wisdom in. Â I took for granted that she would not just always be there. Â And now that she is… [read more]
Surrender Feels Good
A new piece finished… 36 x 36. “Surrender Feels Good”
Made Up Shit
It’s funny the shit people make up in their heads. It is funny the shit I make up in my head. It is funny the scarcity vs abundance. It is funny the fear vs. love. It is funny the shadow and the light, the… [read more]